Library Holiday Events for Kids in San Diego

Libraries often get overlooked when it comes to fun and festive holiday events, but they're some of my favorites because they're FREE! They're usually pretty simple and low-key; which is perfect for little kids' attention spans and interest levels.
Check out these San Diego Public Library HOLIDAY EVENTS that I pulled out of their events calendar for 2021. This list is sorted by date, check the location, times AND some of these require advanced reservation and may already be booked up. Click the links to see if you have to sign up or if you can just show up!
La Jolla/Riford: Paper Snowflakes
Dec. 7 at 4-5
“S” is for Science and "A" is for Art! STEAM every Tuesday afternoon with library staff as we take on a unique art and science project! Future projects include artificial robot hand, pumpkin lanterns, spooky slime, and mindfulness jars. All supplies provided. Grades K—5th.
San Ysidro: Cookie Decorating Party
Dec. 7 at 5-6, 6:30-7:30
Decorate Christmas sugar cookies and drink some apple cider to celebrate the holiday season. We’ll decorate, giggle, and have lots of fun! Cookies, frosting & candy toppings will all be supplied. Registration required...each session limited to 25!
Session 1: 5:00pm - 6:00pm
Carmel Mountain Ranch: Gingerbread House Decorating
Dec. 8 & 15 from 3:30-4:30
Children ages 3 and up (parent assistance required for children 8 or younger) are invited to decorate and keep their very own gingerbread house! All supplies will be provided. Due to the popularity of this program, children are allowed to sign up for only one class (this class will repeat on December 15). Reservations are required, and will open on December 1 at noon. Because this program will be held outdoors, attendees should dress accordingly.
Scripps Miramar: Ornament Making
Dec. 8 at 3:30-4:30
Join us and local artists Toshwerks for a fun, hands-on DIY crafty project recommended for ages 10 and up: a DIY Christmas Ornament! Supplies for the workshop will be provided and available for pickup at the Scripps Miramar Ranch Library about a week prior to the event; you will be contacted by email and/or phone when they are ready. Sponsored by SRFOL.
La Jolla/Rifford: Fleet Science Habitats
Dec. 10 at 4-5
Students sharpen their observation skills while exploring why animals live in different habitats. Students will investigate a terrarium, learn about adaptations and learn about how animals use their habitats to survive. Presented by Fleet Science Center.
Geared to Grades K-5th. Limit 25. Register below.
Carmel Valley Library: Christmas Tree Ice Cream Cone Decorating
Dec. 10 from 10-11
Bring your 4-10 year olds to decorate ice cream cones with frosting and candy to look like Christmas trees! Participants may win a prize in the holiday raffle too!
Register before all the slots are filled up!
This event is sponsored by the Friends of Carmel Valley Library. 17 seats left
Mission Valley: Christmas Crafts & Santa Visit
Dec. 11 at 2-3:30
Whether you're naughty or nice, we hope you'll join us for Christmas crafts, snacks, and a visit from the big jolly man himself! You'll also have a chance to take pics by our paper gingerbread house, receive some goodies from Santa (while supplies last), and enjoy a boost of holiday cheer! Recommended for ages 3-9.
North Clairemont: Snow Much Fun!
Dec. 11 at 11-12
Crafts, Treats, Photo Op
Mission Hills: Making Holiday Ornaments
Dec. 11 at 3-3:45
In honor of the holiday season, our special guests Tosh Werks will host a special ornament decorating workshop. Supplies are free but limited. Register to reserve your spot. Ages 5 through adult.
Kensington Library: Winter Festival + REAL SNOW!
Dec. 11 from 10:30-12:30-3
Join Sparkles the Clown for a magic show in the Kensington Park. Stay afterwards for a balloon animal! Craft tables will be set up in the park so children can create a gift for a loved one to give during the holiday season.
10:30 - Magic Show 11:30 - Balloon Animals 11:30 - Craft/Gift Making Tables
12-3 - Real SNOW! Free hot chocolate from Ponce's and peppermint ice cream from Moosie's
Rancho Bernardo Library: Holiday Open House
Dec. 11 at 10-2
Join the fun at our HOLIDAY OPEN HOUSE with winter crafts, cookies, music and good cheer! Fun for the entire family!
Pt Loma/Hervey: 7th Annual Ornament Party
Dec. 13 at 6-7:30
You're invited to the Point Loma/Hervey Library's 7th Annual Ornament Party! Make a variety of unique holiday ornaments while enjoying a festive family-friendly evening of crafts, music, games, and holiday cheer. Children and adults of all ages are welcome. Space is limited. Registration is required. Please register below for this program:
Univ Comm Library: Pajama Storytime
Dec. 13 at 6:30-7:15
Join Mr. Larry for stories and songs to get the little ones ready for bedtime!
San Ysidro: Gingerbread House Decorating
Dec. 14 at 5-6, 6:30-7:30
Get in the holiday spirit by making and decorating your own gingerbread from the ground up. Decorate with icing and a buffet of colorful and delicious candies to choose from. All supplies are provided.
*Registration is required...Class size is limited to 25 students per session! Session 1: 5:00pm -6:00pm
La Jolla/Rifford: Making Holiday Cards for Seniors
Dec. 14 at 4-5
“S” is for Science and "A" is for Art! STEAM every Tuesday afternoon with library staff as we take on a unique art and science project! Future projects include artificial robot hand, pumpkin lanterns, spooky slime, and mindfulness jars. All supplies provided. Grades K—5th.
Tierrasanta: Ornament Making
Dec. 14 at 6-7
Join us for an evening of Ornament-Making, hot chocolate, hot apple cider and treats. We will have several different types or festive holiday ornaments to make and keep. Bring the family or friends and start celebrating early! (All beverages and treats will be individually wrapped). Registration limited. DIY take-home ornament kits will also be available for non-attendants on the 14th after 5:00 pm on a first come, first serve basis!
PB/Taylor: Outdoor Kids Dance Party
Dec. 15 at 10-10:30
Join us on the Taylor Greene to sing, dance, and move along to favorite kids songs.
Recommended for toddlers, preschoolers and their caregivers. Kids and Grownups will twist, shout and make their moves to musical favorites like "The Hokey Pokey," "The Chicken Dance," and more!
Don’t forget water and a blanket or chairs (if desired)
PB/Taylor: Gingerbread Houses
Dec. 15 at 2-3 & 3:30-4:30
Bring your family and decorate a gingerbread house. We will be working outside on the Cass St Plaza. (If it rains we will move inside). Please bring a bag of candy to share with the group for decorating. Please sign up for one of the two sessions 2:00-3:00 or 3:30-4:30. One registration per family please. If you wish to sign up for the 3:30-4:30 session, please go here:
Univ Comm Library: Food Art Playing with your Food
Dec. 15 at 4-5
This kid-friendly class brings a combination of artistry and foods in a fun-filled class. For ages 12 and under.
Register using the form below.
Pt Loma/Hervey: Zany Zoe's Magical Discovery
Dec. 16 at 10:30-11
Zany Zoe has loved magic ever since she was little learning from her famous magician and illusionist grandfather in Nicaragua. She was hooked after seeing him float a table in mid-air. She kept learning and promised her grandfather she would continue the family's magical legacy. Now she floats a table, appears a snake, produces coins, and more! Zany Zoe delivers great energy, funny feats, and lots of magical audience interaction.
REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED. Please register only once per household.
Pt Loma/Hervey: After School Teen Movie: Elf
Dec. 16 at 2:30-4:30
Rancho Bernardo Library: Holiday Soap Making, ages 13+
Dec. 16 at 4-5
ToshWerks are back with a new craft program for teens and adults! Learn to make beautiful holiday/winter-themed soaps, perfect for holiday gift-giving. For ages 13 and up. Registration required.
Tierrasanta: Gift Wrapping Station
Dec. 16-21 all day
Gift Wrapping Station Supplies or stop by to donate materials for others to use
Wrapping paper, gift bags, ribbons and more! Stop by to wrap your gift or donate materials for others to use.
Pt Loma/Hervey: After school family movie: The Grinch
Dec. 17 at 3-5
College/Rolando: Santa Visits the Library
Dec. 17 from 3-5
Join the elves at College-Rolando Library as we welcome Santa and Mrs. Claus for a visit!
We’ll have a photographer taking free family photos. Family crafts will also be available!
Univ Comm Lib: Holiday Crafts
Dec. 17 at 4-5:30
Join Miss Maribel and create magical holiday ornaments and magnificent seasonal crafts!
Pt Loma/Hervey: Santa Claus visits
Dec. 18 at 1:30-2:30
Santa visits the library, games, crafts & photos. Join us for a festive afternoon of holiday cheer complete with storytelling, music, crafts, and games. Don’t forget to bring your cameras! Children and families are welcome to strike a pose and take photo with Santa Claus.
Register for this program below:
Mission Hills/Knox: Gingerbread Houses Craft
Dec. 18 at 4-5
Put on your creativity hats and join us for an afternoon of gingerbread (graham cracker) house making. Create a mini sweet treat version of your dream home, your dog's dream home, or your cat's dream home right here at the library! All supplies will be provided for each participant and everyone will get to take home their houses! Seats will fill up quickly for this event, so come on and register! Masks are required for adults and children over the age of 2.
Mira Mesa Library: PAWS To Read
Sat Dec. 18 at 11-12
Join us for the return of Therapy Dogs to the Library! Children are invited to read to, and interact, with certified therapy dogs to build reading confidence.
Tierrasanta: Photos with Santa
Dec. 18 at 9:30-11:15
Santa Claus is coming to the Library! Come meet Santa and take your picture with him!
Valencia Park/Malcolm X: Winter Wonderland Festival
Dec. 18 at 12-2
Enjoy an afternoon of whimsical winter fun at the Malcolm X Library. Join us for crafts, games, a special storytime, and a special activity and treats provided by SD Nights. San Diego Humane Society will be onsite to provide free cat and dog food, while supplies last. Kids will also have the opportunity to read books to dogs. Free event, all ages welcome!
City Heights/Weingart: Hot Chocolate & Gingerbread Houses
Dec. 20 from 4-5
Come Enjoy Some Hot Chocolate And Build A Gingerbread House With Us. (While Supplies Last) Paid for by The Friends of the City Heights Library. (For ages 0-18 and their parents)
La Jolla/Rifford: 3D Printer to make cookie cutters
Dec. 20 at 5:30-7
Our expert will assist with design during the workshop and demonstrate how to use the 3D print machine. Participants will be notified once their 3D prints are ready for pickup! Geared to ages 7 to 17. Limit 15. Registration required.
Mission Hills: Hullabaloo
Dec. 21 at 5:30-6
We are extremely excited to welcome local legendary musical performer Hullabaloo! Hullabaloo has been entertaining children and families with his amazing songs for over 17 years and we are stoked to have him perform at our library! Get ready to stomp your feet and flap your wings, because this performance will be the highlight of the holiday season!
Scripps Miramar: Make a mason jar luminary virtual
Dec. 22 at 3:30-4:30
Join us and local artists Toshwerks for a fun, hands-on DIY crafty project recommended for ages 10 and up: a Winter themed mason jar luminary! Supplies for the workshop will be provided and available for pickup at the Scripps Miramar Ranch Library about a week prior to the event; you will be contacted by email and/or phone when they are ready. Sponsored by SRFOL. ages 10+, p/u supplies, closes 12/21 at 3pm
Valencia Park/Malcolm X: DYH@L Wondeland Engineering
Dec. 27-30 at 1-3
Bundle up, we’re creating a spectacular Winter Wonderland! Build bobsleds, design snowmobiles, and take a ride on the Polar Express. Explore your snowiest ideas and learn STEM concepts with tens of thousands of LEGO® pieces at your mitten-tips and the guidance of an experienced Play-Well instructor. Registration is required to attend the Winter Wonderland Engineering Camp. This is the first event of a series. Registration for this event will close on December 20, 2021 @ 5:00pm. Allowed Ages: 8 to 12; Allowed Grades: 3rd Grade to 6th Grade
La Jolla/Rifford: Lava Lamps
Dec. 28 at 4-5
“S” is for Science and "A" is for Art! STEAM every Tuesday afternoon with library staff as we take on a unique art and science project! Future projects include artificial robot hand, pumpkin lanterns, spooky slime, and mindfulness jars. All supplies provided. Grades K—5th.
La Jolla/Rifford: Noon Year's Eve Party
Dec. 30 at 11-12:15
Ring in the new year at La Jolla Library! The party will start with a New Year's Eve story and then we can dance the morning/year away to music before counting down to noon as the proverbial "ball" drops in the Community Room. Selfie station, music, and snacks provided.
PB/Taylor: Kids outdoor dance party
Jan. 5 at 10-10:30
Join us on the Taylor Greene to sing, dance, and move along to favorite kids songs.
Recommended for toddlers, preschoolers and their caregivers. Kids and Grownups will twist, shout and make their moves to musical favorites like "The Hokey Pokey," "The Chicken Dance," and more!
Don’t forget water and a blanket or chairs (if desired)
San Carlos Library: children's yoga & stories
Jan. 5 at 2:30-3:15
Join us for story-inspired stretches, music, and child-friendly props! We conclude by using our breath to transition from silly to calm. Please bring a mat or towel. Ages 3-8.
Tierrasanta: Meet a mini therapy horse!
Feb. 3 at 10:30-11:30
Join us for a special storytime focusing on inclusion and belonging. Afterward, we will meet Hershey Kiss, a miniature therapy horse who helps people in the San Diego region. We’ll learn about the important therapy work he does with his owner, Vickie, and get to ask questions. Then we’ll have a chance to take pictures with him and meet him up close. This program is part of One Book One San Diego, our region's premier literary program. This year’s selection for children is All the Way to the Top: How One Girl's Fight for Americans With Disabilities Changed Everything by Annette Bay Pimentel. Learn more at: