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Christmas Fun for Kids at Balboa Park (Dec. 2022)

Christmas Fun for Kids at Balboa Park

Holiday events for kids at Balboa Park this month…some are free, some are cheap, some are not, and ALL are F-U-N!! ⛸️🎄🚂🎻🎹🎠🌟




"Ice" Skating Rink & holiday IMAX movies

Daily, 10-5 (open ON Christmas Day from 11-4!)

⛸️ Winter Paradice: synthetic "Ice Skating" rink is perfect for littles ages 5+. (This event closes 1/8/23.)

The Polar Express: Sun 12/18 & Tue 12/20 at 5:30pm

Elf: Sat 12/17, Mon 12/19 & Fri 12/23 at 5:30pm

cost: $19.99/ticket

food: concessions are open and avail for snacks, popcorn, candy, nachos, hot dogs, drinks & dranks

(their other nature documentaries are available daily: Antarctica, Train Time -this one is so good!, and Turtle Odyssey)



Catch a play & see the cute Grinch Tree

play: How the Grinch Stole Christmas, Nov. 9 - Dec. 31

play: Ebenezer Scrooge's BIG San Diego Christmas Show, Nov. 18 - Dec. 24



Christmas Trains!

Tue-Sun from 11-4

(closes at 3 on 12/24, closed 12/25, also open Mon 12/26)

$19.50/adults, FREE ages 12 & under!, $9.50/military



Holiday Hoopla Games


Fri-Sun. Dec. 9-11, 16-18 at 11am, 1pm & 3pm

All the creatures of the North Pole are taking a break getting ready for their Annual Holliday Hoopla Games. Snowman bowling, Reindeer Ringtoss and Snowball Fights. Audience participation is encouraged.



Jewels of the Season Christmas Ornaments


Wed-Sun from 10-5

(buy an ornament making kit from their gift shop)



Christmas Concerts


Sat. Dec. 17 at 5:30 w/ San Diego Opera

Sun. Dec. 18 2pm Christmas Sing-along



Jungle Bells

Dec. 9-Jan. 1 from 4:30-8pm

Included with admission/memberships.

Live music & carolers, Reindeer Games for kiddos, holiday lights, entertainment (jugglers, acrobats, holiday story times), Santa photos, Aurora Light show.



🎠 ride the carousel (closed 11/28/22 for restoration)

🚂 ride the mini train

🎻 listen to the musicians

🤹🏻 watch a street performer

🌟 look at all the holiday decorations

☕️ grab coffee & muffins at Daniels @danielscoffeecart or Prado Perk

🥪 lunch from Cafe on the Park (above the Train Museum) or Craveology (next to the Fleet) or Panama 66 (next to the Art Museum)

🎁 gift shopping from the museum gift shops or Spanish Village (jewelry from the Mineral & Gem Shop behind Daniel's Coffee is a hidden "gem"!) @spanishvillageart





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I'm a SAHM of 2 boys, but we rarely "stay at home". They have sooo much energy that we HAVE to get outside to burn it off. Everyday is an adventure; whether we find new places, go back to our favorites or even just a trip to Costco!  


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